Sunday, April 27, 2014

8 weeks

We don't succeed (as well) in isolation.  People tend to do better when they have someone working toward a goal with them.  Correct?  Yes!

The times I have exercised the most and consistently was when I had a routine with a friend. 

So I have my beautiful parents, a few friends, and now the hubs doing this program with me!  It is SO helpful and I am loving it!  One of my daughters might start soon too. 

This week- week 8- I lost another 3 lbs and 3 inches!  That's 29 lbs total and 25.5 inches!!!  I love this program!  I love that it's pretty easy (or I wouldn't be able to do it), I love that I see results every week!  (pounds AND inches) I love eating every 3 hours!  I love the variety and that I don't feel deprived.  I love the energy I have! I love that it's safe!  It's no magic pill, it's eating right and lifestyle change.  I can't say enough about this.  So thankful to have help getting the weight off.  I NEVER thought this would happen, I was sentenced to be big my whole life.

No more!  :) 

8 weeks 29 lbs and 25.5 inches GONE forever! 
I don't think I will get the exercise really going until after school is out, things are so incredibly busy right now, but I am trying to "move more" take the stairs more, park far away etc..

 #watchmelose  #committed  #escapefromobesity


  1. You're such a shining example to anyone who wants to lose weight - keep it up and even if you have the momentary 'slip', dust yourself down and start again - one day at a time.
