Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I lost 2 lbs last week and 1 lb the week before.  That's 32 lbs total and 30 inches in 10 weeks!  That's pretty dang motivating!  8.5 inches off my hips!  5 inches off my waist!  Amazing!  I fit into pants that are 2 sizes smaller!  In 10 weeks!  I could cry!

What motivates us? Why does something work where others have failed?  Is it mindset? Commitment?  The right program?

I've been pretty committed to my health program.  It's been easy for me because of my commitment and the desperation that I came from.  It continues to be easy because I see results every week and I feel so good.  I'm not stopping until I'm at my goal weight!  I'm SO incredibly thankful for this experience to get healthy and to stay healthy!!

I have learned some things watching my hubby (and others) do the program.

Lesson 1- that we all have our own experience.  It's easy for me because of my commitment.  And most days it really is easy.  Sometimes I want to eat chips or have a dessert from Kneaders but I can resist.  If you stick with the program it works, for anyone.  Tom was a little upset with me because it was harder for him, he kept saying, "You made it look so easy!!"  I think if you can make it through the first 2 weeks it does get easier.  Your body fights you the first week and the sugar detox is rough.

Lesson 2- What makes the difference is the mindset, commitment, and taking responsibility for your own health.  What are your motivations?  Why do you want to be healthy?  Are you doing it for you or someone else?  Think of your ultimate health and what it would look like?  How would your life be different if you were healthy?  What would you be able to do? 

For me I was doing it because  I was scared of dying young and missing out on my kids lives.  I was sick of how my weight held me back from so many things- spiritually, temporally, mentally.  I also saw the effects my eating habits were having on my family and was feeling guilty.  I knew something had to change and since I am mostly in charge of shopping and meals it had to start with me.  I am just thrilled I found something that works for me and my busy life! (and benefits my whole family)

So the basics of the program I'm doing is this-

* eating within an hour of waking up
* eating small meals (balanced with protein and carbs) EVERY 2-3 hours
* drinking 100 oz. of water a day
* moderate exercise 30 min/day
* getting 7-8 hrs of sleep a night

I keep trying to figure out why I feel SO good?

Why do I feel like for the first time in 20 yrs I can get up early and exercise?

Why do I not need naps anymore? (my babies still wake me up in the night 60% of the time)

Why do I wake up BEFORE my alarm goes off? (that hasn't happened in 15 years)

I love doing the program with Tom.  He is starting to see the benefits himself- more energy, sleeping better, feeling better.  It's awesome!

Hopefully you don't get sick of hearing me be so happy about all this!  ;)  I just love having ME back!! 


  1. Well done Sally - keep on telling us how you're doing. Love hearing about your challenge.

  2. Your story is helping to encourage many people. Thank you for sharing it.
